Hot sauces made from great family recipes, here is our very own country of Canada.

Showing 1–12 of 49 results

Grandma Shivji’s Chili and Garlic Hot Sauce

…a dark brooding label….a generic looking bottle…..what could be in here?? Well, for starters, this hot sauce is one of

Hatari Congo Calypso Hot Sauce

Get some jungle fever! Ingredients: Scotch Bonnet, peri peri, mombasa and Congo Peppers, lime, lemon and orange juices, mustard tumeric,

Papa Sparrow’s West Indian Hot Sauce

You know, it get mighty warm in Jamaica….one would think the Jamaicans would eat more ‘cooler’ (ie: colder) foods but

Grandma Shivji’s Chile Lime & Habanero Hot Sauce

OH-YEAH!! All three things you love, all in one amazing bottle of hot sauce. You’ll try it and love it!

Sam’s Canadian Nuclear Inferno Hot Sauce

Nuclear hot, this stuff will burn for hours in the aftermath. Think you can handle HOT sauce?? Give this bomb

Baratangy Hot Sauce

More than a zip, this sauce zaps! But under all the fire and brimstone that the peppers pack, you can

Acid Rain Face Melter Hot Sauce

With 5 million extract ADDED for extra heat, Hatari has done it again…melted their customer’s faces off! Hot doesn’t describe

Acid Rain Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce

One of my favorite hot sauces, now with Ghost Peppers added in. DAMN GOOD stuff! There is an unmistakeable flavour

Zapato Hot Sauce

This is a really thick, dark colored sauce that’s sure to please. Has the color of HP Sauce but the

Hatari Addiction Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce

These crazies at Hatari have made another HOT hot sauce…this time the addiction is in the form of a ghost.